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  • FAQs

    I need to pay something to the school - how can I do this?

    Danebury School uses a system called Arbor to find out how to access it. Please go to Arbor

    An Arbor app is available, and you can make payments via your mobile devices, by downloading the app.

    How can I get my child get access to a locker?

    ILS provides lockers for Danebury School students.

    The lockers are owned by ILS and are available for students to rent on an annual basis. Rental costs are £36 per year allowing use from September through to July.

    Please note all bookings terminate at the end of the school year in July. We apologise but there is no discount for lockers booked late in the year.

    The locker size is as follows:

    Height:  595mm

    Width:   300mm

    Depth:   450mm

    To guarantee a locker, please book online at: 

    Please note we are a separate entity from the school and all dealings will be directly with us.

    Lockers for September 2025 will be available online from June 2nd. Lockers are subject to availability. Please book early to avoid disappointment. All available lockers are shown online.

    All rentals are subject to our terms and conditions, which are available during the booking process.

    How can I create my child a cashless catering account?

    The Danebury School canteen operates a cashless system to pay for school meals using our Arbor Parent Portal.

    Making a payment is straightforward on Abor, which holds a payment history for you to view at a later date; no card details are stored in any part of the system. You can make online payments straight away. 

    All pupils will need to be registered to be able to purchase items from the school canteen in September. This will involve taking an image of your child’s finger and turning this information into a biometric digital signature. Further details on this are attached to reassure you that this is not the same as holding a fingerprint.

    How can my child access home learning?

    All homeworking is currently set on ClassCharts. As part of joining the school, all pupils will gain access to all Microsoft 365 systems on their own computers.

    Their username is two digits for the year they would start at Danebury School in Year 7, followed by their surname (no spaces or hyphens) and their first initial.

    e.g. a current Year 7 (starting 2024) called J Smith would be

    Pupils will have to set their own password during their first IT lesson.

    They can be reset by coming to the IT office, had the pupil forgotten their password.

    Microsoft Office at Home

    Need to access Word, Excel or PowerPoint resources but don't have the software on your computer?

    Office 365 for free

    Microsoft Office for Windows and Mac

    Pupils are able to access Microsoft Office software for their home Windows or Mac computer, as long as it runs Windows 7 or later, or OS X 10.5.8 or later.

    On that page, sign in with your school email address ( You will be taken to our School Email login page.

    Then just click the Install button.

    Office apps for your tablet or phone

    Download the apps for your device:

    When asked, sign in with your school email address ( You will be taken to our School Email login page.

    How do I get access to my parent/pupil ClassChart codes?

    Codes can be accessed by contacting either, or your child's tutor.

    Homework will be set through ClassCharts, however some classes may still set homework on Teams.

    How can I report an absence or request a leave of absence?

    Pupils Absent or Late

    When your son/daughter is absent from school or will be late due to an appointment, missed bus etc. please call on the usual school number and select ‘Option 1’ for the Pupil Absence Voicemail; this is independent of the school switchboard, so phone calls can be made at any time of day. Messages are retrieved from the voicemail and logged on the attendance computer system. It would be most helpful if messages could be left before 9.00 am where possible. Please call on each day of absence.

    Alternatively, to let us know your child will not be attending school, please provide their name, tutor group and a detailed description as to why they will not be in school and email it to

    When your child returns to school, they should bring a letter signed by a parent confirming the reason for their absence.

    If they need to sign in late due to a medical, dental or orthodontic appointment, they should have the appointment slip (or a copy) to hand in.

    Please note: If pupils arrive at school by 9.10am or leave after 1.40 pm their percentage attendance will not be affected.

    Procedure for Pupils Leaving Premises

    Pupils who need to leave the premises during the day for appointments need to come to Pupil Services to wait.  We would be most grateful for advance notice of the appointment and appointment slips would be appreciated where possible. Parents also need to come to Reception and sign them out.  We are legally bound to ensure we hand pupils over to a responsible adult during the school day.

    Leave of Absence

    Please view absence procedures here